
Iain and I saw this clip last night on Campbell Brown's show (CAMPBELL!!! BROWN!!! NO BIAS!!! NO BULL!!!) and we both just burst out laughing:

Dana Bash: We've heard people in the crowd screaming things like "terrorist," "traitor"—when you talked about Senator Obama—and worse.

John McCain: I've heard the same thing—I've heard the same thing at, at—I've heard the same thing, unfortunately, at, at Senator Obama's rallies, being said about me.
Really? Since I don't guess Senator McCain has actually been in attendance at any of those rallies, I'm supposing he means he's heard it on video. Funny thing is, I can't turn up a single video of such a thing on YouTube. Huh. He must have a special stash of secret videos of Democrats screaming horrible things about him, which he's not making public only because his hands are tied by that darn promise to run a respectful campaign on the issues.

You know, there are morons and assholes on both sides of the aisle. That doesn't give anyone license to make shit up out of whole cloth.

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