Have I mentioned recently that I love Matt Damon?

I love Matt Damon:
Matt Damon's children were born into privilege, but they'll learn about those less fortunate, the actor vows.

"It's a hard thing to explain to a kid," Damon said at San Francisco fund raiser for the OneXOne children's charity Thursday. … "The way you have to parent them is to show them the world. Explaining the world can only go so far," he said. "You can read about devastation every morning – it's on the front page of the newspaper – but when you actually go there and see it, you realize this isn't something you can turn the page on."
And if talking about using his privilege to give his three daughters the gift of experiencing the world wholly wasn't enough to make me blub:
Damon is the sole male in [their household]. His wife, Luciana, gave birth to their daughter, Gia, over the summer. She joined big sisters Isabella, 2, and Alexia, 10.

"It's great," Damon said about being outnumbered at home. "It is really great."
That might not seem like a special sort of comment, until one stops to consider how many times a guy asked the same question will take the opportunity to make a joke about it, usually involving some reference to estrogen or menstrual cycles.

Previous Damon-lovin' here, here, here, here, and here.

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