Mike Finnigan, who you may know better as the eponymous Mike of Crooks and Liars' Mike's Blog Roundup, is deeply awesome. I know this because I have met him, and I have seen him play and sing. But here, care of Zencomix, is evidence for all of us to enjoy as the inimitable Mr. F does "Born Under a Bad Sign" with Crosby, Stills & Nash:

Thanks very much to Blue Gal, herself no slouch in the awesomeness department, for passing that along.

Also FYI: Hanging out with Mike Finnigan, Blue Gal, Drifty, and Iain backstage at a Joe Cocker concert is exactly 62% political nerdery, 33% cool (none of which was contributed by your blogmistress), and 5% cigar smoke.

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