Let's be clear about what this is. These are random stories about fake vote registrations. The Drudges and Fox scoundrels of the world seem to think that if someone fills out a voter registration card for Mickey Mouse, that Mickey Mouse might show up and cast a vote they're not entitled to cast. It doesn't and there is zero evidence of any voter fraud or anything that would make voter fraud more likely. The level of lying, bad faith or at best ignorance of the people making these claims is really beyond imagining. This isn't vote fraud. There's no evidence of vote fraud. Nothing. This is an effort of a losing political party to a) lay the groundwork for challenging their defeat at the polls b) lay the groundwork to pass laws to make it harder for poor people and minorities to vote.It is more than a mere semantic difference to point out that this isn't about voter fraud but voter registration fraud. And voter registration fraud has been repeatedly investigated by multiple organizations of every political stripe to see if it leads to widespread voter fraud, which can actually affect the outcome of an election, and there's no evidence that it does. Because, you see, most fake voter registrations don't come with attached fake voters.
That doesn't mean there's no reason to be concerned about fake voter registrations; it just means that the shrieks about how fake voter registrations could affect the election are bollocks.
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