
I almost never have writer's block (as you might have noticed), but I'm having a mighty case of it today. Nothing wants to come out in anything more than about 10-sentence bursts, and even that's like pulling teeth.

So please enjoy some lovely photos of flowers and kittens, while I take my camera in search of unicorns and rainbows…

Shaker Kate217, who is truly one of the most generous people alive, sent me a stunning bouquet for our blogiversary. The pictures don't even do it justice; my entire office smells like flowers.

(Little voice from stage right: "For moi?")

Snapshots of Catitude Around Shakes Manor:

Matilda: I'm not looking at you.

Olivia: Yawwwwwwwwwn. *wink*

Sophie: Zzzzzzzz *snuggle* zzzzzzzzz.

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