OMG Shoez II

Because we've had kind of a rough couple of weeks at Shakes Manor, we decided to get new shoes, which always makes a guy or gal feel better about the world, even when you've got the ugly sneering visage of stinkabetes (to which your blogmistress has since shortened stinky diabetes) glaring at you.

See if you can guess which pair was selected by which resident of Shakes Manor…

Söfft Calypso Black Leather Pumps

Classic Converse Navy Canvas Decks

A tough call, I know.

Iain's already got a pair of navy Chuck Taylor All-Stars, which he loves, but they're a pain in the ass to lace up just to run out and get the mail or wev. He would have spent the rest of his life never doing anything about it, aside from grumbling about how he loves them but "too many wanking laces" every time he put them on, because it doesn't occur to him that there's a reason they make different kinds of shoes—they're for different purposes! So I got him the deck shoes. He makes fun of my OMG Shoezery, but it occasionally comes in very handy.

As for the pumps, I've already worn them out, and, even with my fuckleg (which doesn't seem to care in the slightest whether I'm in sneakers or four-inch heels—although I'm not making a habit of wearing four-inch heels at the moment, naturally) they are comfortable as all hell. If you're someone who thinks they can't walk in heels, give these a go. Comfy and amazingly easy to walk in. And excellent arch support.

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