"I just thought, poor Sarah," said Mrs. Kincaid, who has 28 grandchildren and 6 children. "There is always one that knocks the socks off of you and keeps you humble just when you think you're the greatest mom."Poor Sarah, suffering the ghastly shame of a pregnant unwed daughter. (Someone get that girl a scarlet A.) Before that horrible slut ruined everything for her mother, she only had to deal with the perfectly normal trouble her perfectly normal son got into, like perfectly normal boys do.
Family friends said the couple has had some discipline problems with Track, who recently joined the Army. "Track was a big hockey star, and when you're a jock in high school there's a certain amount of ego and problems that goes with that," Mrs. Kincaid said. "But that's normal. They are a normal American family with all the joys and problems."
Post-feminist culture, bitchez.
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