Biden Is So Not Having It

So, after Joe Biden said, awesomely, that paying taxes is patriotic, Sarah Palin retorted, mendaciously, that raising taxes is "about killing jobs and hurting small businesses and making things worse." Katie Couric then asked Biden about that during an interview, and he shot back:
How many small businessmen are making one million, four hundred thousand--average in the top 1 percent. Give me a break. I remind my friend, John McCain, what he said--when Bush called for war and tax cuts--he said, it was immoral, immoral, to take a nation to war and not have anybody pay for it. I am so sick and tired of this phoniness. The truth of the matter is that we are in trouble. And the people who do not need a new tax cut should be willing, as patriotic Americans, to understand the way to get this economy back up on their feet is to give middle class taxpayers a break. We take the tax cut they're getting and we give it to the middle class.
Sing it, Joey the Shark!

Someone take away the keys to the Straight Talk Express from John McCain and give them to Joe Biden.

[H/T to Shaker Marismae.]

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