I've got a new piece up at The Guardian's Comment is free America about President Mondo Fucko's disappearing act:
People joke, or say quite seriously, that we're all better off the less involved Bush is — to which there is certainly some truth, but it masks a reality that really shouldn't go unremarked upon: The people who are filling the void of leadership he's left are people he appointed. Our nation is being run by people we haven't elected because the guy we did choose doesn't seem to be interested in the job anymore.

This fact has been patently obvious for at least a year. He's all but put an "I'd Rather Be Brushclearin'!" bumper sticker on Air Force One. It's no surprise he didn't have the decency to step down and let someone else do the job he can't be bothered doing (and for which he was always manifestly unqualified, anyway). It's no surprise that his own party didn't have the integrity to prioritise the good of the country over the good of their party and force out the idiot king. And it's no surprise that the Democrats didn't have the collective spine to put impeachment back on the table. No, none of these things are surprising.

But they are infuriating nonetheless.
Read the whole thing here.

And while you're there, check out Richard Adams' related piece, "The trillion-dollar questions."

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