I've been sitting with this story since yesterday, and I can't think of anything even remotely insightful to say about it.
Police in Pakistan have exhumed the bodies of two women allegedly buried alive in western Balochistan province.It's just dreadful, dreadful. What can be said? When I read stories like this, I don't even know what to do with them.
They have also arrested six people, including some relatives of the women.
Reports from the area say the women were killed in July because they wanted to marry men of their own choice, against the wishes of tribal elders.
But then I notice the caption on the photo accompanying the story.
What women's groups? I head to Google, but all I can find is the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Does anyone know anything about them, their reputation? Amnesty Int'l doesn't have a specific campaign going for Pakistani women right now. Neither does CARE.
Does anyone know of any groups working on women's behalf in Pakistan? Surely, there's something we can do, if we know where to put our teaspoons… Let me know in comments.
[H/T to Shaker Ixx.]
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