Stormy Weather, II

As MB mentioned, we had some seriously crazy weather here last night. (Again! And the year before…) We lost power a few times, but it's back on now. The other side of the street, however, is without power, because lightning struck the power box at the top of the street on their side. Ours is usually the one that gets struck, so that makes a change!

I've never been in such a crazy lightning storm. We have skylights in the loft upstairs and I was standing in the center of the room, in the dark, in the middle of the night, and it was like I was in a club with a strobe light. Blinkety-blinkety-blinkety-blinkety... I looked up into the skylights, and watched the sky light up and go dark, flickering over and over with licks of lightning; when I looked down, the cats were at my feet, looking up at the skylights, too. Then they looked at me as if to say, "WTP?" I shrugged.

It just went on like that for hours, with thunder rolling and crashing and booming—and rain occasionally sweeping through, pelting the windows and tapping on the skylights.

This morning, it's gray and still.

The frogs in the garden are chirping away more loudly than usual, probably happy to be alive.

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