Quote of the Day

"Oh god, I just hope [feminist groups] don't ask me anything. No, I should maybe worry about that and have something intellectual prepared to say. I wanted it to be clear that my character, while she is pressuring the girls to look sexy and impress guys, that we recognize that her priorities are skewed and not necessarily the correct priorities. I think this is an empowering story of women realizing that they really don't need the approval of guys."Anna Faris, on her new movie The House Bunny, in which she plays a Playboy bunny, who is "tossed out of the mansion [and] has nowhere to go until she falls in with the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. The members of the sorority-who also have got to be the seven most socially clueless women on the planet-are about to lose their house. They need a dose of what only the eternally bubbly Shelley can provide, but they will each learn on their own to stop pretending to be what others want them to be and start being themselves."

Sounds awesome.

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