I The Onion

Local Idiot to Post Comment on Internet:
In a statement made to reporters earlier this afternoon, local idiot Brandon Mylenek, 26, announced that at approximately 2:30 a.m. tonight, he plans to post an idiotic comment beneath a video on an Internet website.

...Mylenek, who rarely in his life has been capable of formulating an idea or opinion worth the amount of oxygen required to express it, went on to guarantee that the text of his comment would be misspelled to the point of incomprehension, that it would defy the laws of both logic and grammar, and that it would allege that several elements of the video are homosexual in nature.

..."After clicking the 'submit' button, I will immediately refresh the page so that I can view my own comment. I will then notice that my comment has not appeared because the server has not yet processed my request, become angry and confused, and re-post the same comment with unintentional variations on the original wording and misspellings, creating two slightly different yet equally moronic comments," he said. "It is my hope that this will illustrate both my childlike level of impatience and my inability to replicate a simple string of letters and symbols 30 seconds after having composed it."
You've got to read the whole thing. I can't stop laughing. lol your humor, Onion.

Thanks to Shaker SarahMC for passing that along. In the sort of coincidence you couldn't make up if you tried, her email with the link came in directly after another piece of "fan mail" re: Fat Princess (oh, yes, I'm still getting them, along with lots of requests for interviews, all of which I'm ignoring), which included the following: "You're really are a dumb bitch arent you." Yes, I'm really am.

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