Don't Miss 'Em!

[Trigger warning for violence.]

So, I'm reading a piece on CNN about a gruesome murder case that's gotten wide coverage in European media, as its facts are alarming and deeply upsetting. (I won't recount them here—although I'll note that this maniac's "trail of violence" included his girlfriend, her dog, a police officer he knifed, two female doctors knocked from their motorbikes during a car chase, and a female tourist hit by a stray bullet during the shoot-out, the last four of whom will survive.)

Anyway, in the middle of the page, appears this graphic:

Don't miss the other mutilation in the news!

I recognize this widget is probably an automatically-generated related reading feature, but that's why you don't leave such sensitive material to automatic fucking generators. Or, at minimum, don't name them "Don't Miss" as if it's must-read content for the sassy CNN reader on the go.

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