I thought last night's show was very good overall. I liked a lot of the routines though none were particularly jaw-dropping WOW! to me. One highlight was Tyce DiOrio's broadway routine:

Twitch and Katee

I like Twitch and Katee together (and apparently they knew each other before the show too). Their other routine was one choreographed by Mia Michaels:

Anyone shocked that Mia choreographed something that included a "psycho ex-girlfriend"? I had to laugh when I watched the preview talking about what the routine was because I could almost hear what Liss would be saying at her tv far, far from my house, lol.

Chelsie and Joshua are paired up this week and I thought they did well with both of their routines. I enjoyed the Argentine tango:

Their disco routine seemed clunky in parts but I think that's just because there were eleventy-meeeellion lifts in it.

A favorite of the judges was Will and Courtney's slow hip-hop that was choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon:

While it was definitely good and emotional, I don't think it's going to make the show history as Will predicted. I liked their samba better:

Comfort and Mark were paired this week and had one great routine--hip-hop:

But their fox trot was, well, not so good. It wasn't horrible or anything but I'm glad they had a really good routine with the hip-hop though.

Out of all the solos, I liked Will's James Brown one. I'm still not feeling Mark's solos. So, what who do you think will go?

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