In a televised news conference, Governor Muammer Guler said one of the policemen died at the scene after a nearly 10-minute gun battle and two others died of bullet wounds in a hospital. One of the officers was part of the consulate security detail, while the other two were traffic police. A policeman and a tow-truck driver were also injured.No motive has been identified. Perhaps authorities will locate a note pinned inside one of the deceased gunman's jackets noting they hate us for our freedom.
"Three policemen were martyred and three attackers were killed," Mr. Guler said. Ross Wilson, the the United States ambassador in Turkey, said that none of the dead or injured were Americans.
…Istanbul's chief prosecutor, Aykut Cengiz Engin, told reporters at a televised news conference that the authorities "consider the incident a terrorist act."
Six Dead in Attack on US Consulate
Three policemen and three gunmen have been left dead after a firefight at the US Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey:
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