Scene from the Frontlines of the Battle for Family Values

by Shaker GoldFishy

Hello from Minnesota!

It may come as no surprise that yet another member of the "Family Values" party has been caught in an embarrassing legal snare.
Peter Hong, a longtime Republican operative in Minnesota, was arrested Wednesday afternoon on a charge of soliciting prostitution in St. Paul.

..."Hong has been in and out of the Republican side of Minnesota politics since the mid-1990s, when he surfaced as a genial bulldog campaign press secretary for former Sen. Rod Grams, R-Minn. He served as a spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty's campaign in 2002 and for the Bush-Cheney campaign in Minnesota in 2004.
Of course, that was so long ago, right? I mean, 2004? Practically ancient history! Oh, whoops...
Most recently, Hong was a point person for presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
So, of course, Hong is still getting support from his "family," right? Not so much.
Gina Countryman, a spokeswoman for the Minnesota Republican Party, said Hong is not currently working for any Minnesota candidate.
We in Minnesota are SOOOO looking forward to hosting the GOP convention in September! Pawlenty! McCain! Oh, joy.

Something tells me Mr. Hong doesn't have a golden ticket for the event...

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