Random YouTubery: Jet Set Radio Future

Back in the day when I purchased the original XBox, it came bundled with a 2-game disc from Sega. One of the games was Jet Set Radio Future. For me, this game and Ninja Gaiden were my favorites for that console. I loved the graphics, and I thought the soundtrack kicked ass. In fact, if it wasn't for JSRF I would never have discovered the awesomeness that is Guitar Vader (indie band from Japan).

After I got the XBox 360, I noticed that it was backwards compatible for some old XBox games, but not all. JSRF got left behind on the compatibility list in favor of others. As much as that sucked, I wasn't about to add to the existing clutter by connecting the old XBox up for one game.

A couple of days ago, I just happened to be thinking of the game and decided to hit Google to see if any progress was made on compatibility. Boy, was I out of the loop. Almost a year ago, a patch was released for the 360 to allow JSRF to be played on the new console. Needless to say, right after I got home from work I popped in the JSRF disc to see if would load.

BONUS! It works!!

Now I'm back to rollerblading through Tokyo and spraying graffiti like crazy!

Well, that is, when I'm not working my mad Ninja skillz in Ninja Gaiden 2.

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