Rainbow Arches

The American Family Association has got its chastity belt in another wad, this time directing their ire at McDonald's, who they've decided to boycott in retaliation for the burger factory's support of the radical gay agenda.
Apparently, the AFA was set off by a simple letter written by Pat Harris, the Global Chief Diversity Officer, in which he states the corporation's respect for employees "regardless of their ethnicity, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation." In doing so, McDonald's has simply reiterated an all-inclusive policy that is more or less standard with most big companies.
Likely story. Word on the street is that Don Wildmon is just running offense after Mayor McCheese caught him doing sexay times with the Hamburglar.

Just wait until Mickey-D's starts including pink glittery dildos with every Happy Meal. That'll really send 'em into a tizzy. "Toy inside" indeed!

[H/T to Shaker Scott.]

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