In the category of "Best Non Sequitur of 2008," the winner is...

by Mama Shakes: Writer, composer, retired teacher, responsible party for What the Poop?, and mother to Liss.

I was listening to The Kathy and Judy Show on WGN Radio yesterday while I was in the car. The topic was "Words or phrases you use that make your kids cringe."

One woman called in to say she still uses the word "Groovy." She obviously was a "Brady Bunch Fan."

Another called in and said she uses "Fer Shizzle." Her kids hate it and told her that it was a rude term for a woman. She bought that and stopped using it. Even some lies have merit.

A man called in and said he uses "Crucial!" or sometimes just "Croosh!" He also favors "Radical" and a few other dated terms. Judy asked, "Are you starring in 'Guys and Dolls?'"

He said, "No. I'm straight. I'm an insurance salesman."

Okay, so first of all, Judy was using a musical that's way too old for that language to suggest he's out of date, but what did he mean? Does he know what 'Guys and Dolls' is? Does he think that everyone who has ever starred in a musical is gay? Does he think that there are no gay insurance sales people? Can anyone figure out the meaing of this response?

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