
It seems like at any given time, I only watch, at maximum, two television shows with regularity. Partly this is a reflection of my general disdain for most television programming, but mostly it's attributable to a combination of my short attention span, inability to remember when shows are on, and lack of any recording doohickeys. Anyone following my last attempt at liveblogging The Amazing Race every week, during which I totally forgot at least three weeks, including the damn finale (despite the fact that I really like the show), will attest to what a dreadful TV watcher I am.

So I normally quite blissfully go from season to season of alternating Bravo shows (Top Chef, Kathy Griffin, Project Runway) which generally don't run simultaneously, the occasional HBO series (which are always short as fuck), my one network favie Lost, and my summertime fling, So You Think You Can Dance, without any conflicts. I just don't watch enough television to have any.

Until tonight.

SYTYCD is still in two-hour episodes, for some damn reason, and a new season of Project Runway premieres tonight at a new time, one hour earlier than usual, opposite the second hour of SYTYCD. And instead of repeating the episode immediately afterwards like they've always done before, now it's a new episode of that pile of shite Shear Genius to follow. Gah!

Because Bravo re-runs things a million times, I guess I'll stay tuned in to SYTYCD and try to catch the PR premiere this weekend or something. But I'm not happy about it!

And all of this is really my way of saying that, yes, there will be, as always, a Project Runway open thread tonight—but I may not be there.

Unless the pull proves too strong, and I resolve to watch the last hour of SYTYCD on YouTube tomorrow, heh.

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