Question of the Day

[We've done this one before, but it's one of my favorites, so I'm doing it again…]

Who will play you in Shakesville: The Movie?

Looks-wise, the obvious choice is Dawn French, to whom I am nearly identical in height and weight, and probably not dissimilar in temperament. She's 17 years older than I, but I won't complain if she won't.

My friend, J, with whom I most often play the "cast your life" game, swears that he wouldn't cast anyone as me except Debra Winger, but would accept Bonnie Hunt as a back-up. I look like neither of them, but I get what he's going for; the spirit makes sense. Iain would, very specifically, cast Natalie Portman's character from the film Garden State as me, ha—which, okay, I kind of get, because it would not be remotely unlike me to break into a spontaneous tapdance to make him grin in a heavy moment.

Iain would be played by Colin Firth, without question. They don't look much alike, aside from both being tall and broad-shouldered with curly hair, but the whole "shy-misinterpreted-as-aloof and vaguely impenetrable veneer masking the reticent, awkward doofus with a heartbreaking romantic streak" makes the comparison inescapable.

As a back-up: Matthew Macfadyen. Because, as it turns out, I'm married to Mr. Darcy.

Minus the ancestral estate.

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