Obama Racism/Muslim/Unpatriotic/Scary Black Dude Watch, #58

Pin being sold at the Texas State Republican Convention:

Pathetically, this isn't even the first time I've had occasion to write about this hee-larious "joke"—I posted about a guy who made the same dumbass comment at the Citizen of the West banquet back in January.

Aside from being racist, that shit's just made of hack. Who thinks that's funny?!

Between the "Black House" jokes and the stuffed monkey toys, I'm beginning to think the race-based opposition to Obama is being run by a mad three-year-old.

Although, that's probably an insult to three-year-olds, some of whom undoubtedly have more sophisticated senses of humor.

[H/T to Oddjob, who hat tips Radical Russ.]

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