My Former Landlord

I'm watching the men from the moving company pack up my worldly goods as my forced relocation goes forward. There's not much I can do other than answer their occasional questions in my New Mexico Spanglish and admire their abilities to take the contents of a 1,200 square foot house and garage and get them into boxes. Tomorrow they will come back and load up the furniture, boxes, and then we're off to the new place.

There's still no word from the bank's attorneys as to the location of my former landlord. But I think Bryan at Why Now? has a lead.

As I noted in my comments at Bryan's place, "I think I actually met my landlord once, when he came by to look at the place before buying it. He bore a startling resemblance to the species indicated (Procyon lotor), but lacked its morals. After he bought the place, we made all the lease arrangements via his secretary and I sent the checks to an address that was a Mailboxes Etc. office. I should have known."


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