Kenny Blogginz Interviews the World's Tallest Christian!

Hey, loyal readers! Kenny Blogginz here again with another one of my fabulous interviews with colorful characters!

This weekend, I had the pleasure of talking to Stephen Winters, the World's Tallest Christian! I first met Stephen through the Christian Street Ballaz Youth Basketball Myspace Outreach Program Sponsored by Verizon V-Cast. During a Verizon V-Cast Txt Msg session, Mr. Winters let me know that he would be making an appearance at the Youth Ministry Cavalcade just off the highway, next to the gravel heap and the industrial park, and that he would be tickled pink to sit down and talk with me about his status as the tallest abstinent man in the world.

K-Blogz: Hello, Stephen.

Stephers: Hello, Kenny Blogginz.

K-Blogz: I'm sure you must get this a lot, but I just really can't believe how tall you are! I mean, I read that you were the World's Tallest Christian on your personalized Myspace profile, but seeing you in person is just...mind-blowing.

Stephers: I have received the gift of incredible stature from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I don't like to think of myself as being strange, or different... I like to think that I'm just that much closer to heaven. You know, where Jesus is.

K-Blogz: You are truly an inspirational giant.

Stephers: Thank you. Just don't forget that I'm not the tallest person in the world. That honor belongs to Leonid Stadnyk. He's actually taller than I am, but nobody's sure whether he's accepted Jesus into his heart or not.

K-Blogz: Even if he does, you'll still be the World's Best 2nd Tallest Christian in my book. Have you been on Oprah yet?

Stephers: I was actually supposed to be on Oprah two weeks ago, but I got cut out so they could make more time for the Dog-Whispering Psychic Re-Incarnated Born Again Monster.

K-Blogz: Oh, I saw that. That monster was amazing! It actually relayed messages from audience members to their deceased loved ones!

Stephers: I'm taller than that monster.

K-Blogz: I don't doubt it.


K-Blogz: So, on your Myspace profile, it says that you're abstinent.

Stephers: Oh yeah, totally. Check out my abstinence ring. It's the same kind that the Jonas Brothers wear.

(Blogginz Note: The Jonas Brothers really do wear abstinence rings. LOL {love our lord})

K-Blogz: I couldn't help but notice that your ring has the words "God hates fags" engraved around it.

Stephers: Yeah, well, abstinence rings always have cheesy abstinence related phrases on them. I just wanted to be rebellious. You know, like Avril Lavigne.

K-Blogz: You are truly a non-conformist, giant Christian man. It has been a pleasure talking with you this evening.

Stephers: Oh, is the interview over...?


(Blogginz Blunderz- The Jonas Brothers' abstinence rings don't say 'God Hates Fags'...on the outside...)


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