We Got A Mighty Convoy

You all know my love of crazy douchnozzles and their followers. I've a special Fondness for Ron Paul supporters, with their wanktastic Libertarian ethos, penchant For Random capitalization and bizarro grass-roots Campaign tactics.

Paulbots are a special breed with a weird knack for overdoing things. Take this pair of signs, for example, a couple miles outside of town:

They must be a good ten or fifteen feet high, and promise that Ron Paul "Will Work For Freedom!" That may be true so long as you're not a woman and your idea of freedom means the ability to mint your own money or not pay taxes or maybe privatize the fire department.

But, hey, if you're not sure he'll really "work for freedom," check out the little graphic in the middle:

"No Lying Lips Here!" Well, that's a relief. I wasn't sure he's been telling the truth, but now I can rest easy. Nothing says credibility like day-glo spray paint and a hand-made sign hanging near the interstate.

Go, Paulbots, go! Keep rockin' through the night!

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