
Shaker Faith, of That Is So Queer, recently found herself in possession of about 100 teaspoon charms. And because she is awesome, and because she knows what to do with a teaspoon, in every sense of the phrase here at Shakesville, she turned them into the most beautiful and simple jewelry in honor of the wielders of teaspoons:


Faith is selling the teaspoons over at her place (see the right sidebar) for $21 for a pair of earrings or a necklace, and for every pair bought, $13 will go to my charity of choice, CARE. CARE is currently soliciting donations for Myanmar relief efforts and the global food crisis, and donations will be split among their two efforts. (The other $8 covers materials and shipping.) The charms are sterling silver (no nickel); if you don't wear earrings or necklaces, Faith may be able to accommodate requests.

Availability will depend on how many pairs of earrings are ordered.

This is just an awesome project, and I want to thank Faith so profusely for sharing her time and talents, and for using her teaspoon (and teaspoons) in such a creative and moving and wonderful way. Head on over and get your teaspoons, Shakers.

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