Question of the Day

We all end up the remains of the day!In yesterday's QOTD, Shaker Thunderbird mentioned that Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was the Movie That Changed Their Life, and it made me remember my experience when I saw that particular film. I was a cartoon loving child, and I always used to wish that cartoons and "real life" could exist together. Seeing it happen on screen actually made me a little emotional.

So here's my question: What kind of cartoon character would you like to be?

I'm not specifying your favorite cartoon character; mine is Daffy Duck, and let's face it, I wouldn't want to be him. I'd rather not get my beak blown off every few seconds.

I want to be the black cat from the famous Tex Avery cartoon, "Bad Luck Blackie." That way, if anyone irritated me, I could cross their path and a steamroller would fall on their heads. Muahaha!

Or, I'd like to be a cartoon skeleton. That way I could play jazzy music all the time. On my ribs!

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