You Don't Look a Day Over 300!

Today is the 500th anniversary of the publication of Scotland's oldest printed book, The Complaint of the Black Knight by John Lydgate.

Helen Vincent, of the National Library of Scotland, shows
off the country’s first book in honor of its 500th anniversary.

[The book], published on April 4, 1508, will be on show from 10am to 5pm at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. Cate Newton, director of collections development at the library, said: "This is perhaps the single most significant item in our collections."
Very cool. And so very, very Scottish. You can't be a good Scotsman—or Scotswoman—without three things: Beer, a fire, and a book.

Btw, in case you were wondering what the Black Knight's complaint was, it was "Brootha McCain be a right pain in me tartaned arse!"

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