
Open mouth, insert name of presidential candidate while speaking about international terrorist:
WASHINGTON After addressing the journalists gathered at the annual Associated Press luncheon in Washington, D.C., today, Sen. Barack Obama took a few questions. The last one from the audience, delivered via AP chairman W. Dean Singleton was related to how to troops to Iraq and the threat posed by, as Singleton put it, "Obama bin Laden."

Obama quickly corrected Singleton. "That's Osama bin Laden," he said. The crowd laughed a bit. "If I did that, I am so sorry," Singleton replied.
Via Atrios, who says: "Stupid stuff like this shouldn't even matter, but if Obama's the nominee a substantial chunk of Republican chuckleheads will believe, or pretend to believe, that Obama really is a terrorist who wants to destroy America."

What hyperbole! They don't believe he's an actual terrorist; just a terrorist-sympathizing Muslim crackhead who hates America, at least if all these Very Important Emails I'm getting are to be believed.

Big difference.

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