Shaker Gourmet: Chipotle-Chickpea Spread

Ah, the wonders of the internets--this recipe comes from when I reconnected with someone I went to high school with. She writes: "I had a freezer bag full of chipotle chiles in adobo leftover from another recipe; I had two cans of chickpeas and a languishing lime. From these meager beginnings, I made perhaps one of the most addictive snacks ever to find its way out of my Cuisinart. This isn't really a hummous, more of a chickpea spread that doubles easily as a dip. I have a sick love for both chickpeas and spice, which could be easily construed as an addiction, and this stuff really feeds my need."
Chipotle-Chickpea Spread

2 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2-4 canned chipotle peppers (depending on your preferred level of spice)
1 T. adobo sauce
Juice from 1/2 lime
3 T. olive oil
Low-fat yogurt, as needed

Combine chickpeas, chipotle, adobo, lime juice, and olive oil in a food processor. Process until pureed. Season with salt to taste, add yogurt or olive oil as needed to reach desired consistency. Allow flavors to meld in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
If you'd like to participate in Shaker Gourmet, email your recipes (and blog link, if you have one!) to me at: shakergourmet (at)

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