Kudos to Jack Goff (via Erinberry) for catching another great one from Reuters News:
Why, yes—children finding a woman's severed head (and hand and, later, another hand) is indeed atypical, thank Maude, but, as per usual, it is decidedly of a different tone than most of the other stories that generally round out the "Oddly Enough" section, like "Man crowded out of home by collecting passion" or "Airline hires temps to fill plane."
Again, I'll just briefly note that violence against women isn't actually rare or unusual or quirky or humorous, so it really doesn't meet the definition of "odd" in any way—and, as this series is beginning to detail quite evidently, the ubiquity of tragic circumstances in which women are brutalized makes the inclusion of such stories rather questionable by virtue of their alleged "oddity," as well.
In other words, a justification for relegating reports of violence against women to the Oddly Enough section remains elusive.
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