Grumbles Sighting!

Shaker J just sent me the following image accompanied by the below message:

Hey Liss,

So, I work at the National Press Building, and I go to the gym upstairs at the Press Club (even though I am not technically a member). In the elevator there are announcements for Press Club events like quiz night, dinners, speakers, etc. My eyes happened to light on one as I was on my way back down today, and I noticed that the speaker for Tuesday the 22nd was listed as "Ben Grumbles." In spite of the jaunty nickname, it's obvious from the topic of the talk that this is none other than dear old Benjamin H.


Another Shaker who's a friend of mine said "you should show up with a parasol and a monocle. The first for you, the latter for him." Sadly I will be out of town so I can't, but I was so delighted that I just had to tell you.
Made of awesome.

[Previous Grumbles: Get on it, Grumbles! (the beginning), Benjamin H. Grumbles (the introduction), A Day in the Life of Benjamin H. Grumbles, What In The Sam Hill Are You Rascals Thinking?, Dash It All, McCain Is Off His Trolley, Damnable Milkshakery!, Friday Cat Blogging.]

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