Impossibly Beautiful, Part Kate

Seriously, what have they done to this woman's face?

Naw, just kiddin'. It pretty much looks like me, only in really good lighting and with loads of make-up on. (And too damn much hairspray -- wish they could have 'shopped out the crunchiness.) I just wanted an excuse to post about being this week's freakin' cover girl for what my friend Mean Asian Girl describes as "our local Tribune-lame-attempt-at-catering-to-the-18-to-34-demographic tabloid, where the coverage is primarily focused on Lindsay Lohan and what's happening on American Idol."

If that weren't surreal enough by itself, I keep getting e-mails from people saying things like, "I sat on your face on the el this morning!" and "I picked you up off a garbage can!"

Article can be found here.

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