Wild Anti-Hillary Robo-Calls in South Carolina

I get deranged emails from this guy all the time—rambling, incoherent missives about how Bill Clinton is a serial rapist and Hillary is "a sewer-mouthed tyrannical witch." He's got a totally unhinged hatred of Hillary and lives in some maniacal fantasyland of which Andrew Sullivan is probably the invisible elf king.

Below is the call script, which Commandant Cuckoo helpfully provided to Paul Kiel TPM.


Hello. FBI agent Gary Aldrich says that Hillary on Inauguration Day, 1993 was in an uncontrolled and unbridled fury, yelling and screaming profanities, because she was not allowed to have Vice President Al Gore’s office in the White House. Hillary treats people like they are invisible; can you trust her?

Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill’s rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Hillary treats women like they are invisible; can you trust her?

Hillary hired Jack Palladino to run a terror campaign on Kathleen Willey to keep her quiet about what Bill had done to her. They nail gunned her car tires and stole or killed her pet cat named Bullseye. Hillary thinks cats are expendable; can you trust her?

After Bill pulled down his britches and EXPOSED himself to Paula Jones, Hillary’s friend James Carville said “Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.” Hillary treats women like they are invisible, can you trust her?

Hillary told TIME Magazine in June, 1996, that she was thinking about adopting a child, despite the fact Bill was having an affair with Monica and Hillary knew he had a whole harem in the White House. Hillary was having her own affairs with Vince Foster, probably Webb Hubbell and even others. Hillary makes up fairy tales about adopting an orphan child, can you trust her?

This message is from Robert Morrow on behalf of everyone who has been violated and abused by Hillary and Bill – treated like they were invisible. Hillary sure does say a lot of things, doesn’t she - but can you trust her?
"Hillary thinks cats are expendable; can you trust her?" I don't know why he's holding back the good stuff he's provided to me via email, like "Angry Bull Dyke Hillary Nukes Baby Name Hillary" or "Hillary and Bill use violence to cover up their wildly dysfunctional Jerry Springer lifestyle." What's a few dead cats when there are stories about coke-fueled sex orgies to share?

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