What If They Threw A Caucus And No One Cared?

That’s what happened yesterday in Wyoming. The whole affair was something of a non-event for media. The candidates too, for that matter, with only about half them bothering to campaign there. This may be because Wyoming has the lowest population of all the states, and probably isn’t considered "worthwhile."

As a state, Wyoming also somehow manages to be even whiter than Iowa. It also has one of the highest Mormon populations, percentage-wise. The latter fact may account for Willard’s victory there, where he scored himself eight delegates.

It doesn’t explain how Fred Thompson ended up in second. Seriously, who the hell is voting for this guy?

After his victory, Willard was quoted as saying "The people of Wyoming took the first step towards bringing true conservative change to Washington."

Conservative change? Pardon me, but don’t those two words have opposite meanings? What the hell is conservative change? Is that more of the same? Or is it something different, but maybe not too different?

Maybe I can't blame the media for ignoring him.

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