Weakly Standard

Via Wonkette:

Though they backpedaled a bit on their website this morning, this stupid Weekly Standard cover is sitting on a shelf right now at a newsstand near you. It will be there for the rest of the week, in fact. This is exactly the kind of political astuteness that earned editor Bill Kristol a spot in the pages of the New York Times. We can’t read the story because it’s behind a subscriber wall, but we imagine it’s full of the same kind of masturbatory wishful thinking the headline suggests. If you do have access to this thing for whatever reason, please send it to us so that we might mock it further.
Oof. I guess they were a bit too excited. Now they'll have to fend off tons of questions about their integrity in political reporting. And they'll probably complain that they're getting picked on, not having expected anything like a Spanish Inquisition.

You know the rest.

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