Update on the LaVena Johnson petition

It has been some months since I last wrote on the effort to prompt a reinvestigation of the 2005 death in Iraq of Pfc. LaVena Johnson. Though not much has happened on an official level during that time, the Johnson family continues working to bring the story to the attention of the media and other parties. The petition addressed to the Armed Services Committees of the House and Senate has continued to draw interest and signatures, though at a more moderate pace than earlier; the signature count stands at just shy of eleven thousand names.

As the author of the petition, I’ll be collating the names for hard copy publication and will make sure they get into the hands of the members of both committees. I’ve not set a specific date for this final phase of the petition work, but will announce it with plenty of lead time.

In the interim, I’d like to thank again the many kind folks who have lent their names to the petition and have spread word of it on their own weblogs, via email, and in conversations with others. Special thanks, of course, to the wonderful denizens of Shakesville; you're good citizens, and good people. I think I may speak here for the Johnsons in relaying their thanks as well.

Until the day comes when the list goes to the printer, please take a moment to lend your own name to the effort!

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