Question of the Day

Inspired by Bill's post about his surpassing respect and appreciation for his lovely wife, today's question is: What's the dumbest thing you've ever said to a partner or spouse?

I'm having trouble thinking of my own answer to this one, since I am, of course, the World's Best Girlfriend. As for accidentally admiring celebrities in the presence of one's partner, Al and I had this conversation (which I'm lifting from my personal journal) right after we got together -- so long ago that Al was still identified on my blog as "Crush Boy.":

Me: If you could leave me for any celebrity, who would it be?
CB: I don’t fucking know. Do you actually have an answer to that?
Me: George Clooney.
CB: Oh, man. That’s such a cliche!
Me: But there’s a reason for that. He’s not just hot, he’s smart-hot.
CB: Yeah, but you’ll taste spinal fluid when you kiss him.
Me: All right, fine… Peter Sarsgaard.
CB: Really?
Me: Yeah, why not?
CB: He… okay.
Me: Or possibly Philip Seymour Hoffman. Jon Favreau. Paul Giamatti.
CB: Wow. I can actually almost see where I fit into that list. I mean, what you’re saying is, you don’t like attractive men.
Me: That is not remotely what I’m saying!
CB: I mean, I could kind of look like Philip Seymour Hoffman. If I worked out.

I might have snorted at that comparison, which wasn't terribly polite of me, but let's just say there's little risk of me offending him by drooling over a hot celebrity.

Other than that, the dumbest things I can recall having said to partners would be stuff like, "You know, I kind of like doing the dishes; I find it meditative," or "I don't really want anything for my birthday." But I know I'll eventually think of something better than that -- and in the meantime, I know Shakers have stories! So 'fess up. Tell us about a time when you said something to a partner or spouse and then immediately wished for a cosmic rewind button.

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