
In which Sully tries to accuse Hillary of sexism, but reveals his own:

Against The "Buddy System"

"I was laughing because you know in that debate, obviously Sen. Edwards and Sen. Obama were kind of in the buddy system on the stage. And I was thinking whoever's up against the Republican nominee in the election debates come the fall is not gonna have a buddy to fall back on. You know, you're all by yourself. When you're president, you're there all by yourself," - Senator Clinton on her two rivals for the nomination. Notice another subtle use of the gender card. We really are headed back to the 1990s.
Emphasis mine.

What is it, I wonder, that makes Sully think the "buddy system" is just for men? He obviously didn't attend sleepover Girl Scout camp, or he would know that Girl Scouts always go to the outdoor loo in pairs, using the buddy system. Harrumph.

Big Tent Democrat at TalkLeft notes that the buddy system is used by the US Army, scuba divers, and firefighters, including, presumably, female soldiers, female scuba divers, and female firefighters. Ahem.

Or is it just the term buddy? That's not just for men, either, last I checked.

Or is he positing that it's necessarily a de facto use of "the gender card," because Hillary is a woman referring to two men? If so, that makes it pretty damn hard to refer to your opponents without playing the gender card when you're the only woman in the race.

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