
Mike Huckabee feels like a thoroughbred, bitchez. (As well as a superhero mongrel, and possibly a penis. Unless "Mr. Happy" doesn't mean to Arkansans what it means to the rest of the world.)

[Video c/o Petulant.]


Huckbiscuit: Today I am Mr. Happy, to be sure.

Fox Douche: You certainly are. Uh… [edit] Let me ask you this: A month ago, you were wayyyy in the back of the pack. Mike Huckabee win Iowa? Impossible. Today, how do you feel?

Huckbiscuit: I feel like Seabiscuit. Uh, I mean, let's face it—there's a whole lot of Americans out there who love to know that the underdog can still win.


Fox Douche: And former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, the Seabiscuit candidate, we thank you very much for joining us live.

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