Question of the Day

We may have done this already, but if so, it's been a good long while. You've forgotten, haven't you? Of course you have.

What's the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up?

When I was about four years old, I wanted to be a train engineer. Man, did I want to drive trains. That would be so awesome. Then about a year later, I realized no one drove steam locomotives anymore. What's the point of being a train engineer if you don't get to drive a steam locomotive? Snort. Harrumph. By then, I had abandoned my dreams of shoveling coal and pulling the whistle (toot, toot!), and I had figured out what (or rather, who) I really wanted to be when I grew up:

Yes, Willy Wonka. And don't you dare laugh.

I've matured over the years, though. Now I know I want to be this guy:



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