Amazing Race Open Thread

Here's the weekly thread for AR fans to discuss the show, which airs 8pm EST on CBS, in case you want to join in the fun!

Last week's highlights: The unbearable Jen and Nathan were given a penalty because their African dance sucked major ass.

"It's not fair!" pout

They got to watch from the sidelines as Azaria & Hendekea danced past them into first place. It was a mad footrace to the finish.

"It's not faaaaaaaaaair! Run!"

...where Azaria & Hendekea won again...

"The only thing that could ruin this moment
is someone complaining that it's not fair."

...and Jen proceeded to whine and complain that A&H are hogging first place, and should give someone else a chance.

"It's not fair!" pout

Also, the Goths continued to rule, as Kynt turned his dance sticks into aw3s0me!!11! nunchucks to impress the hell out of the judges. Yay, Goths!

Nobody puts Kynt and Vyxsin in a corner.

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