Tom DeLay: A Dopey Yank in Oxford

I know, it's him again. But don't worry, we can get through this.


Tom DeLay, the forever disgraced former House Leader and all around douchebag, spoke at the Oxford Union to explain how horrible life would be with a Democratic president, even more so if the winner was one Hillary Clinton:
DeLay warned that a Clinton victory would result in higher taxes and bloated government. He also said she would seek to create a British-style publicly funded health care system, a prediction that was met with thunderous applause.
Right. Well, that didn't work out too well for him. I'm sure, being the skilled politician asshat that he is, he can recover quite nimbly:
"By the way, there's no one denied health care in America. There are 47 million people who don't have health insurance, but no American is denied health care in America," he said to derisive laughter.
Tom has just learned, the hard way, that people outside of this country actually know the score, and they don't believe any of the bullshit spewing from his gob for a second.

I guess DeLay will have to give Rummy a call to see if they can go on domestic lecture circuits together.

[H/T to ThinkProgress]

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