I Couldn't Have a Lower Opinion of John McCain, and Even I'm Surprised By This

Me, on John McCain, August 25, 2005: "Anyone who still thinks this jagoff's a maverick after the bootlicking he gave Bush during the last election is living in cloud cuckoo land. His alleged independent streak came to a screeching halt as it collided with the stumbling zombie corpse of his credibility the moment he stood in New Hampshire with his arm around the shoulders of the man whose operatives called his wife a junky and his adopted daughter illegitimate. He may have been honorable and brave once upon a time, but he's not anymore."

Me, on John McCain, now: "OMFG. Somebody killed the zombie. And it was John McCain."

Presidential hopeful John McCain said Monday he doesn't hold grudges and indicated he would accept campaign help from Karl Rove, the architect of then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush's 2000 triumph that dashed McCain's presidential hopes seven years ago.
Wow. He is totally fucking shameless.

I know he's desperate for campaign cash, but I'm not sure selling off the last remnants of his soul is really going to be worth it in the long run.

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