Video and info here.
Immediately, I got an email from HRC celebrating, but noting in bold letters: "HRC remains 100% committed to doing the hard work necessary to pass legislation that protects our entire community, including transgender workers who remain especially vulnerable to workplace discrimination."
Especially vulnerable. Indeed. Perhaps more so than anyone realized, given the extent of the prejudice expressed by presumed allies during the run-up to this vote.
As Pam said this morning: "[T]he big picture is that this entire situation is a complete embarrassing mess of mixed messages and motives, inadequate preparation, poor PR strategy, and a hell of a lot of anger and vitriol that is damaging, painful and was this amateur hour was avoidable. One can only hope that whatever tattered relationships remain can be stitched together in some form or fashion, because there's more legislation and lobbying coming down the pike. Our community, for whatever that word means at this moment, needs to find a better way of doing things."
I don't know what else to say at the moment, except that I'll continue to be a fierce ally for the Ts.
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