What A Drag

It's Hallowe'en, so it's time to pull out the costumes and dress up, right? The South Florida Sun-Sentinel gets in the mood by presenting their list of great celebrity drag roles.
We’ve been told that drag is out this Halloween season. Bo-ring. If Halloween is the one night that women feel comfortable flaunting their slutty side, why shouldn’t men be able to flirt with their female side? It’s just dress-up!

To help inspire those daring guys who might enjoy putting on a bra just once in their life, or girls who want to experiment with machismo, we’ve put together a list of famous performances from Hollywood actors in drag. Some of these costumes could be re-created easily; others would take a team of five makeup artists a minimum of four hours to pull off.

But if Cate Blanchett and John Travolta can do it, why can’t you?
What a great idea! And just to show that the GOP is in a partying mood, State Representative Richard Curtis of Washington is already joining in the fun.

Even without the make-up, he does bear a startling resemblance to Mrs. Doubtfire, don't you think? But wait... it gets better.
A search warrant unsealed Tuesday morning disclosed that State Representative Richard Curtis (R - La Center) had sex in his room at the Davenport Tower with a man identified as Cody Castagna, 26, of Medical Lake, who he met at the Hollywood Erotic Boutique on October 26th.

Curtis, according to a search warrant unsealed Tuesday, went to the Hollywood Erotic Boutique on East Sprague on October 26th at approximately 12:45 a.m. The store clerk, who had talked with Curtis, referred to him as "The Cross-Dresser" and said that during their conversations he confirmed he was gay and was married with children at home.

During his visit to the video store Curtis was observed wearing women's lingerie while receiving oral sex from an unidentified man in one of the movie viewing booths inside the store.
True to Republican form, Mr. Curtis explains that he's "not gay" and that he was only giving Mr. Castagna money for gas, not to buy his silence. Oh, come on! What's Hallowe'en without a little trick or treat... emphasis on the "trick" part?

Update: As blogenfreude noted above, Mr. Curtis has resigned, presumably to spend more time with his family. Or his couturier.

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