So, there's this bear, right?

And it's walking along the Rainbow Bridge on Highway 40 near Truckee, CA when, all of a sudden, at least two cars pass at once, freaking it the hell out. The panic-stricken bear then evidently jumps over the bridge railing to avoid the cars.

"WTP? I didn't think this through…"

Local officials make a serious assessment of the bear's predicament and say, "Eh." But when they return the next day to find the bear sleeping on the bridge…


…they jump into action! And only a mere 20 hours or so after the beastie has first become stranded, a plan is hatched to string an Army surplus net beneath the bridge…

"ZOMG. WTF is tha— Zzzzzzzzz."

…tranquilize the bear, wait for it to become unconscious, then use a big pole to push it into the net!

"Mmph, blurgh. Where am I? Who'sat? Wha? Is it spring?"

Voila! Mission accomplished. Operation Bear Rescue is a total success, and one fuzzy brown trouble-maker is released onto the floor of the ravine below the bridge, free once again to pursue salmon and attend various speaking engagements about preventing forest fires.

"I meant to do that."

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