Laura: Embodiment of Ladywev

I totally despise The Lady Bush.

It's inconceivable to me that someone with a moniker so awesomely suited for the Cult of the Feminazi Cooter could be such heinous Stepford scum, but so she is. A couple of weeks ago, Constant Comment sent me an article about the First Dud, asking the question "How does Laura Bush sleep at night?" and succinctly subtitled "The worst First Lady in recent memory has had no consistent program or agenda to changes things for the better, while at the same time providing PR cover for her husband," which pretty much sums up my feelings about her. Today the Rude Pundit puts the cherry on top:

That's a photo of First Lady Laura Bush sweeping into the Library of Congress gala of the National Book Festival. While her husband is threatening to veto health insurance legislation for children who live a little above ditch-sleeping poverty, while there's a, what do you call that? oh, yeah, war going on, while Burma, a nation she is supposed to care about, is locked down, the First Lady thought it was perfectly fine to show up in an ostentatious outfit that seems to reek of Scarlett O'Hara and "Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war; this war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream." Ah, well. At least it seems to be the color of dried blood.
Go read the whole thing.

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