I Write Letters

Dear Alec Baldwin,

You're so very, very good in Glengarry Glen Ross, which is currently playing on IFC and compels me to watch it every time I am channel-surfing and see a frame of it, even though I own it on DVD and have already seen it a nonillion times. You're also extremely good in "30 Rock," which is just about the only sitcom worth watching these days that isn't "The Office" or "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

In fact, as I look over your filmography, I realize that you've been quite good in lots of things, more than I ever seem to remember when I have occasion to think of you.

The thing is, I notice that you tend to be at your best when you're playing a total asshole. I suspect this is because you are a total asshole.

And that makes me feel dirty for appreciating your work.

Wishing you were nicer,

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